You have selected registers which you already have actively subscribed for this search type. To prevent double booking, these registers are automatically removed. If however you still do want to book these, e.g. for later activation, you can keep already booked registers.
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After login you can change the order or confirm the purchase.
Before filing, check if there are existing rights of others that may conflict with your candidate.
Keep an eye on newly filed rights of others after your own IP right was registered, in order to be able to oppose if necessary.
Search trademarks that were filed or registered with trademark offices.
Search company names in the commercial registers.
Search for designs that have been applied for or registered with the Intellectual Property Offices.
Watch trademarks that were filed or registered with trademark offices.
Examples: watch one trademark for ten years or ten trademarks for one year.
Examples: watch five trademarks for five years.
Examples: watch ten trademarks for five years or ten trademarks for two years.
Examples: watch twenty trademarks for five years or fifty trademarks for two years.
Please specify the trademark text in the following field.
Please specify in the following field; how many marks should be monitored. You will then be asked to enter the names of the trademarks you want to monitor.
With this search you find identical and similar trademarks.
With this search you will find identical or almost identical trademarks.
With this search you will find trademarks with similar logo.
Select here the countries in which you want your IP rights to be searched or monitored.
Here you may find a special features description of this register and class selection.
Please specify in the following field how many trademarks should be monitored.
Here you define how long your pass shall be valid. The runtime starts only after activation, (Activation possible after log-in, on the dashboard under 'New Notifications')
You get access to the search for 24 h.
You get access to the search for 1 month.
You get access to the search for 1 year.
Watch SMD Group 1 year WITH description